Fuck the EU 2024 03
(for gammel til at besvare)
Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-03 09:09:09 UTC
The key issue is that in January-February 2014 the EU politicians
supported, and even instigated, violent anti-democratic action in
the Ukraine. It boldly contradicted the declared "western values".
But, as the temptation was very great, those "western values" were
shifted aside. One can recall the dominant tone of the Atlanticist
infospace at the time, like a hungry cat smelling fish. The wisdom
that a violence tends to produce then more violence was forgotten.

The mythology on "revolution of decency" etc invented and promoted
later, changes little. Today, it is highly necessary to honestly
recognize the fact that the European support for the violent coup
in Kiev was a big mistake and in contradiction with the proclaimed
values. It does not depend on whether one likes / dislikes Russia.

The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led
to destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way
other than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent.
Repentance is the only way to sanity.
2024-03-03 09:19:13 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
The key issue is that in January-February 2014 the EU politicians
supported, and even instigated, violent anti-democratic action in
the Ukraine. It boldly contradicted the declared "western values".
But, as the temptation was very great, those "western values" were
shifted aside. One can recall the dominant tone of the Atlanticist
infospace at the time, like a hungry cat smelling fish. The wisdom that
a violence tends to produce then more violence was forgotten.
The mythology on "revolution of decency" etc invented and promoted
later, changes little. Today, it is highly necessary to honestly
recognize the fact that the European support for the violent coup
in Kiev was a big mistake and in contradiction with the proclaimed
values. It does not depend on whether one likes / dislikes Russia.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other
than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent. Repentance is
the only way to sanity.
“A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not, the Pierian spring”

The objectivity of historical research is a question which usually
causes more headache to others than historians themselves and the
discussion easily turns into fruitless speculation. More sensible is to
consider the objectivity of those practical methods which are used by
historians, when they turn the past into history. In the Western
civilization, this is done by the “historical method”. This method is no
omnipotent theory which can solve any problem in the past but it leaves
substantial space for historian’s individual imagination and
interpretation. In practice, the historical method stands for an
established tradition which is shared by academic historians and which
students of history embrace in the course of their tuition. This
tradition consists of such general principles as uncompromising honesty,
careful definition of concepts, meticulous source criticism, systematic
searching for material that can falsify or modify hypotheses, constant
awareness of the problem of representativeness, and explicit statements
about the level of probability in the conclusions [1]
[1]J. Simensen (1990: 278).
. The historical method does not automatically guarantee the objectivity
of the results; it only guarantees that the results should be reasonably
in relation to the sources used by the historian. We may consider the
historical method an agreement which sets the rules one must obey in
order to gain the public acceptance as a trustworthy historian.
By “academic historians” I simply refer to people who hold higher
academic degrees; who are affiliated more or less permanently to
established research institutions; and whose works are recognized as
reliable representations of the past by their colleagues and readers.
Their discipline is accordingly “academic history”. My use of the word
“academic” carries no pejorative connotation. I am aware that this
definition is far from comprehensive but we may regard academic history
as similar to bad taste – without venturing too deeply in any aesthetic
speculation, most of us can easily identify it once we encounter it in
the true life [2]
[2]B. Fay (2002: 1).
The greatest advantage of the historical method is that it helps us to
distinguish what history is not, more often than it helps us to tell
exactly what history is. There are historians who believe in earnest
that they are capable of reconstructing the past as it really was, if
they rely on primary sources only and obey strictly the principles of
the historical method. This is the original Rankean ideal which may turn
into a source fetishism. Their belief is, however, an illusion. Not only
because historians can never check everything from primary sources but
they have to trust earlier works written by their colleagues. This
enables errors to multiply and survive in the historical literature.
Another point is that primary sources themselves are dumb. They speak
only when they are forced to speak. The harder the pressure becomes, the
more probable the witness begins to speak according to the expectations
of his/her tormentor. By manipulating sources – consciously or
unconsciously – an historian can easily achieve biased or even false
results. Manipulation does not necessarily mean that the historian
invents sources when there exist no sources but he may simply ignore the
meaning of the source, misunderstand the original context, make
anachronistic judgements, or select such sources only which seem to
support the preconceived result. The danger of manipulation is evident
especially when the historian is examining a subject which now evokes
strong emotions, such as slavery, colonialism, racial discrimination, or
even more serious violations of human rights. The historian may have a
temptation to adjust the past to support the present political agenda,
for better or worse.
We may conclude that history always contains subjective elements. This
is no secret to academic historians, nor does it represent any
fundamental problem of credibility: “The historian is no God, looking at
the world from above and outside [3]
[3]R.G. Collingwood (1946: 108-9).
.” Historians sometimes err but it does not compromise their whole
discipline. Medical doctors, too, make sometimes false diagnoses which
can be fatal to their patients but a few think, therefore, that the
whole medical science is wrong.
Of course, there is much indisputably true in history. We know, for
example, that the international West Africa and Congo conference was
held in Berlin from 15 November 1884 to 26 February 1885. Anyone who
suggests different dates is simply wrong. Moreover, we can accept as a
fact that this conference accelerated the European colonial conquest of
Africa by dividing the continent among the colonial powers into spheres
of interest. A fact is something that happened in the past and left
traces in documents which can be used by historians to reconstruct the
past. If there are no documents, there are no facts but opinions. But
history is not a simple record of facts; history is an explanation of
the facts. When we start discussing about the impact of colonialism to
Africa, we have less facts than opinions. The answer depends much on
whose position we take and what we now consider significant in the past
– and present [4]
[4]See for example A.A. Boahen (1985).
History always reflects the values of individual historians and their
cultural environment. When these values change, the history changes,
too, though the facts remain unchanged. However, we are not living in an
unidimensional world where everybody shares the same values. There is,
for example, no homogeneous “Western civilization” and an equally
homogenous system of “Western values”. In reality, the Western
civilization consists of many cultures which are located or have their
roots in Europe. These cultures share a number of close similarities
indeed but they also have remarkable differences because of the various
historical experiences. Only an ignorant fool can claim that, say, the
Irishmen, the Catalans, and the Czechs are identical, because they all
belong to something we are used to label as Western civilization (not to
mention that the Wolof, the Lunda, and the Xhosa should be identical
simply because they live in Africa). It is, of course, possible, and
often necessary, to form a generalization by grouping the similarities
(such as Western or African civilization) but we should always remember
that a generalization represents nothing but an abstract idea which is
achieved at the expense of details.
Similarly, the Western value system has developed considerably over time
and is constantly changing. It consists of many codes of values which
are full of contradictions, to begin with conservatism, liberalism,
feminism, environmentalism, marxism, or anarchism. Another aspect is
that many of the values which are conventionally labelled as Western may
have less to do with the Western civilization but with the economic
modernization. They just appear Western, because the economic
modernization first took place on a large scale in Western Europe [5]
[5]J. Hippler (1998). For an English translation of this article,…
The above discussion concerns the community of Western academic
historians, too. There is no universal Western “orthodoxy” of African
history to vet all contributions of historical research for strict
adherence to the established “model”. In reality, the Western historians
of Africa constitute a very heterogeneous group of people who often
disagree with each other and who represent various levels of scholarship
from excellent to poor. It is only the commitment to the general
principles of the historical method, not to a certain model, which
unites the individual members of this community.
The simultaneous existence of different values and cultural experiences
explains why two historians, both applying honestly the historical
method on the same sources, can achieve different results. Sometimes it
is possible to evaluate that one result is more trustworthy than the
other by checking how reliable and representative the sources are or
whether the result is perhaps ideologically biased. More often we have
no other choice than to accept that there are many ways to interpret the
past. Yet the different interpretations are not mutually exclusive. The
question is not always either/or but rather both-and. One way to reach
higher objectivity is to compare the different interpretations, instead
of declaring one interpretation right and all deviations wrong.
The historical method is not a purely Western invention. Similar
principles have surfaced in other civilizations, too. The great Moroccan
scholar Ibn Khaldûn (1332-1406), for example, was thinking of the
problems of source criticism in the introduction to his universal
history long before any European scholar paid attention to the same
issue [6]
[6]See The Mudaqqimah. An introduction to history, translated from…
. Ibn Khaldûn was, however, exceptional in his own cultural environment.
Though his universal history was widely quoted by later Arab scholars,
his theoretical considerations did not cause any change in the tradition
of Islamic historiography [7]
[7]S.R. Merlet (1989).
. The fact is that the practical methods of modern historical research
were developed to the fullest in Western Europe and more specifically in
the early nineteenth-century Germany [8]
[8]M. Rodinson (1987: 94-95).
. The explanation is not the absolute superiority of Western
civilization – least the German culture – but the specific historical
situation in Europe. The historical method developed simultaneously with
the economic modernization which eventually led to the worldwide
domination of European powers. Consequently Europeans began to realize
their difference, and superiority, in relation to other civilizations.
The historical method was needed to explain to the Europeans, why
Western civilization had transformed itself from being just one among
many civilizations of the world into its dominating centre.
Because of its origins, the historical method is strongly Western. Many
of the key concepts, principles of periodization, and the ways in which
the significance of the past are estimated by historians worldwide are
still based on the Western tradition. This situation is further
maintained by the fact that Western scholars dominate the discussion of
world history in all fields. Regardless how excellent research is
carried out by Chinese historians, the most authoritative international
experts of Chinese history are Westerners. Similarly, all authoritative
journals of African history are published outside Africa and their
contents are mostly written by Western scholars. If Chinese or African
historians want to gain publicity outside their respective cultural
environments, they must not only write in a Western language – nowadays
tantamount to English – but also according to the Western tradition.
Otherwise they are not taken seriously [9]
[9]I. Wallerstein (1997).
. This problem does not concern only those scholars who live outside the
Western world but also those who live on its fringes. I dare to say that
there are many excellent works on Africa written by Finnish scholars,
which are neglected by their Western colleagues simply because these
works were published in a wrong place.
The domination of the Western tradition evokes naturally the question,
whether there is any alternative. By an “alternative” I do not simply
mean a different or radical view to the past. The idea that the
monumental history which focuses on wars, politics, and important men is
obsolete and that we should rather focus on the marginal groups, or
“history from below”, is also very Western itself and reflects the
current ideological tendencies in the Western world, but it is not
necessarily welcomed by historians outside the Western world. By an
alternative I mean such a way to study and represent the past which is
based on completely different values and practises from the existing
Western tradition. The fundamental question is, whether it is at all
possible to study the past in an alternative way, however, without
giving up the principle of reliability as it is manifested in the
historical method? Or is the historical method simply as inviolable as
the law of gravitation? Another serious question is what is actually
proposed as a replacement of the Western tradition – and how different
is this replacement?

Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-04 13:20:36 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
The key issue is that in January-February 2014 the EU politicians
supported, and even instigated, violent anti-democratic action in
the Ukraine. It boldly contradicted the declared "western values".
But, as the temptation was very great, those "western values" were
shifted aside. One can recall the dominant tone of the Atlanticist
infospace at the time, like a hungry cat smelling fish. The wisdom
that a violence tends to produce then more violence was forgotten.
The mythology on "revolution of decency" etc invented and promoted
later, changes little. Today, it is highly necessary to honestly
recognize the fact that the European support for the violent coup
in Kiev was a big mistake and in contradiction with the proclaimed
values. It does not depend on whether one likes / dislikes Russia.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led
to destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way
other than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent.
Repentance is the only way to sanity.
The objectivity of historical research is a question which usually causes
more headache to others than historians themselves and the discussion
easily turns into fruitless speculation. More sensible is to consider the
objectivity of those practical methods which are used by historians, when
they turn the past into history. In the Western civilization, this is done
by the "historical method". This method is no
Abuse of <Q> isn't good, and it also reveals zombified minds.

The historical method of "Western civilization" is known to make up
suitable rationalizations intended to make real history a 'useful'
myth, which includes inter alia interpretation of "migration period"
in the pre-medieval time, the unhealthily obsessive Vikings fetish,
also the bogus "Dark Ages" and "Renaissance" concepts, and some more.

With regard to the Ukraine coup case it's still too fresh for false
misconstructions to seem plausible. The fact European action and
European self-justification don't match each other was visible with
the naked eye. So those European politicians who abuse chauvinist-
jingoistic "values" rantings and the like need to realize themselves
to be boldly indecent species, and they also need to understand that
anyone with little bit of brain also understands what they are.
2024-03-03 09:30:23 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
The key issue is that in January-February 2014 the EU politicians
supported, and even instigated, violent anti-democratic action in
the Ukraine. It boldly contradicted the declared "western values".
But, as the temptation was very great, those "western values" were
shifted aside. One can recall the dominant tone of the Atlanticist
infospace at the time, like a hungry cat smelling fish. The wisdom that a
violence tends to produce then more violence was forgotten.
The mythology on "revolution of decency" etc invented and promoted
later, changes little. Today, it is highly necessary to honestly
recognize the fact that the European support for the violent coup
in Kiev was a big mistake and in contradiction with the proclaimed
values. It does not depend on whether one likes / dislikes Russia.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other than to
recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent. Repentance is the only way
to sanity.
"If at a future moment fascism will return, it will not be so
stupid as to say: 'I am fascism.' It will say: 'I am antifascism."
(Ignazio Silone)
Calamity Jade
2024-03-03 09:46:20 UTC
The Putin's War against NATO...

1999: 18 member states.

2024: 32 member states.
Jacqueline "Jade" Devereaux - https://guerre-en-ukraine-2022.blogspot.com/
Youtube Jade Disco HD - https://www.youtube.com/c/JadeDisco
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies I - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesI
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies II - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesII
Twitter Jade Disco HD - https://twitter.com/JadeDiscoHD
Twitter Jade Pix, Docs & Movies - https://twitter.com/JadePixMovies
PostImages Gallery Jade - https://postimg.cc/gallery/ikhwdv9m/
Jade Pornhub Channel - https://www.pornhub.com/users/jadepornchannel
CJ: "Parfois, pour faire triompher le bien, nous devons faire le mâle!"
CJ: "Je pense tout ce que je fais/dis, et donc je fais/dis tout ce que je pense!"
2024-03-03 10:34:59 UTC
Post by Calamity Jade
The Putin's War against NATO...
1999: 18 member states.
2024: 32 member states.

2024 32 memberstates with no soldiers, and depleted from Ammo.

You have to bring "John Wayne"! And "Clint Eastwood"!

Erika Ciesla
2024-03-03 10:54:38 UTC
Post by Calamity Jade
The Putin's War against NATO...
1999: 18 member states.
2024: 32 member states.
One against 32 – No chance

 👋️ 𝓔𝓻𝓲𝓴𝓪 𝓒𝓲𝓮𝓼́𝓵𝓪 😊
🔔️ Übrigens!

Aktuell gibt es vier Länder auf diesem Globus, vor denen man sich
fürchten und gegen die man sich womöglich auch mal verteidigen
muß: Rußland, China, Nordkorea und der Iran.
J. Nielsen
2024-03-03 10:54:39 UTC
Post by Calamity Jade
The Putin's War against NATO...
1999: 18 member states.
2024: 32 member states.
One million flies can't be wrong; Eat shit!
Erika Ciesla
2024-03-03 12:01:35 UTC
Post by J. Nielsen
Eat shit!
You first!
2024-03-03 15:39:00 UTC
***@xyz.invalid (die untadelige Monnemer Totaldurchblickerin
und 'Nazi'-Profilerin Erika Ciesla, die gern mal Buchstaben tauscht:
AKA 'plonky tonk woman' oder 'Schnatterliese' froente ihrem Hobby:
Post by Erika Ciesla
Post by J. Nielsen
Eat shit!
You first!
___ _ __
/ / |__ | |_ _ _ __\ \
/ /| '_ \| | | | | '_ \\ \
\ \| |_) | | |_| | |_) / / _ _
\_\_.__/|_|\__,_| .__/_(_|_|_)

Faking English language skills, Bratze?


Liebe Erika <bit.ly/3kh0LnU>, es tut mir SOOO leid, boese Woerter
gegen Dich im Usenet benutzt zu haben:
Jetzt bin ich aber gelaeutert, moechte Dich jedoch trotzdem weiterhin
freundlich bitten, Deine Verleumdung gelegentlich mal zu widerrufen:


<Loading Image...>
Du haettest vielleicht gerne was gegen Juden (zum Beispiel Zyklon-B),
aber die Zeit ist abgelaufen.
Post by Erika Ciesla
Ich stampfe nicht, Du stampfst, ich habe einfach nur Recht.
Ist es meine Schuld, wenn ihr mir intellektuell nicht gewachsen seid?
Warum sollte ich nachgeben, wenn ich Recht habe?
<Loading Image...>
-> das Wahrheitsministerium raet: <http://www.hinterfotz.de/boese.html> <-
und immer nur ARD+ZDF gucken:

Calamity Jade
2024-03-03 14:30:05 UTC
Post by J. Nielsen
Post by Calamity Jade
The Putin's War against NATO...
1999: 18 member states.
2024: 32 member states.
One million flies can't be wrong; Eat shit!
2022: Black Sea was Russian. Greatest military navy power is Russian Black
Sea Fleet.

2024: Black Sea is Ukrainian. Ukraine still does not have military nave
[since 2014]. Sevastopol Naval Base + HQ, Sep 2023: KABOOM!
Feodosia, Jan 2024: KABOOM. Greatest military navy power is
Bulgarian Navy.
Jacqueline "Jade" Devereaux - https://guerre-en-ukraine-2022.blogspot.com/
Youtube Jade Disco HD - https://www.youtube.com/c/JadeDisco
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies I - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesI
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies II - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesII
Twitter Jade Disco HD - https://twitter.com/JadeDiscoHD
Twitter Jade Pix, Docs & Movies - https://twitter.com/JadePixMovies
PostImages Gallery Jade - https://postimg.cc/gallery/ikhwdv9m/
Jade Pornhub Channel - https://www.pornhub.com/users/jadepornchannel
CJ: "Parfois, pour faire triompher le bien, nous devons faire le mâle!"
CJ: "Je pense tout ce que je fais/dis, et donc je fais/dis tout ce que je pense!"
J. Nielsen
2024-03-03 15:31:04 UTC
Post by Calamity Jade
Post by J. Nielsen
Post by Calamity Jade
The Putin's War against NATO...
1999: 18 member states.
2024: 32 member states.
One million flies can't be wrong; Eat shit!
2022: Black Sea was Russian. Greatest military navy power is Russian Black
Sea Fleet.
2024: Black Sea is Ukrainian. Ukraine still does not have military nave
[since 2014]. Sevastopol Naval Base + HQ, Sep 2023: KABOOM!
Feodosia, Jan 2024: KABOOM. Greatest military navy power is
Bulgarian Navy.
1991 Ukraine, population: 51.000.000

2024 Ukraine, population: 31.000.000
Calamity Jade
2024-03-03 17:13:08 UTC
Post by J. Nielsen
Post by Calamity Jade
2022: Black Sea was Russian. Greatest military navy power is Russian Black
Sea Fleet.
2024: Black Sea is Ukrainian. Ukraine still does not have military nave
[since 2014]. Sevastopol Naval Base + HQ, Sep 2023: KABOOM!
Feodosia, Jan 2024: KABOOM. Greatest military navy power is
Bulgarian Navy.
1991 Ukraine, population: 51.000.000
2024 Ukraine, population: 31.000.000


1/ The average daily number of Russian casualties (killed and wounded) in
Ukraine throughout February 2024 was the highest rate it has been, since
the start of the war, at 983 per day.

2/ The increase in the daily average almost certainly reflects Russia's
commitment to mass and attritinal warfare. Although costly in terms of human
life, the resulting effect has increased the pressure on Ukraine's positions across
the frontline.

3/ To date, Russia has highly likely lost over 355,000 personnel killed and
wounded during the Ukraine war.
Post by J. Nielsen
Jacqueline "Jade" Devereaux - https://guerre-en-ukraine-2022.blogspot.com/
Youtube Jade Disco HD - https://www.youtube.com/c/JadeDisco
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies I - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesI
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies II - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesII
Twitter Jade Disco HD - https://twitter.com/JadeDiscoHD
Twitter Jade Pix, Docs & Movies - https://twitter.com/JadePixMovies
PostImages Gallery Jade - https://postimg.cc/gallery/ikhwdv9m/
Jade Pornhub Channel - https://www.pornhub.com/users/jadepornchannel
CJ: "Parfois, pour faire triompher le bien, nous devons faire le mâle!"
CJ: "Je pense tout ce que je fais/dis, et donc je fais/dis tout ce que je pense!"
2024-03-03 19:26:17 UTC
Post by Calamity Jade
Post by J. Nielsen
Post by Calamity Jade
2022: Black Sea was Russian. Greatest military navy power is Russian Black
Sea Fleet.
2024: Black Sea is Ukrainian. Ukraine still does not have military nave
KABOOM! Feodosia, Jan 2024: KABOOM. Greatest military navy
power is Bulgarian Navy.
1991 Ukraine, population: 51.000.000
2024 Ukraine, population: 31.000.000
1/ The average daily number of Russian casualties (killed and wounded)
in Ukraine throughout February 2024 was the highest rate it has been,
since the start of the war, at 983 per day.
2/ The increase in the daily average almost certainly reflects
Russia's commitment to mass and attritinal warfare. Although costly in
terms of human life, the resulting effect has increased the pressure
on Ukraine's positions across the frontline.
3/ To date, Russia has highly likely lost over 355,000 personnel
killed and wounded during the Ukraine war.
"The first casualty of War is Truth."

Admittedly there might be internal political reasons that I'm not aware
of for escalating the conflict beyond declared geopolitical goals.

But what's truly going on, probably nobody outside of political elites
really knows.

Bottom line seems to me that essentially a stalemate exits along the
line of contact for some time now. And that parties are trying to break
it by innovative (unconventional) means.

Why Russia would be the primary culprit in this regard, is unclear to

After an aborted attempt to change the regime in Ukraine by military
means, it annexed some territory that it says is essential for security
reasons. It could probably on that basis simply declare victory once
'extraneous hostilities' cease.

I don't now how much wiggle-room still exists beyond accepting the
situation as it now (after the annexations) exists. Unless the Russian
state falls apart -- which was obviously an western objective to start

The only alternative for expecting current boundaries might now well be
starting a new major European war (by nato), that will however most
likely not be in the interest of the European population -- including
in Ukraine and Russia...
Calamity Jade
2024-03-03 14:51:16 UTC
Post by J. Nielsen
Post by Calamity Jade
The Putin's War against NATO...
1999: 18 member states.
2024: 32 member states.
One million flies can't be wrong; Eat shit!
PS: Russian military casualties in Ukraine, since Russian invasion:


Post by J. Nielsen
Jacqueline "Jade" Devereaux - https://guerre-en-ukraine-2022.blogspot.com/
Youtube Jade Disco HD - https://www.youtube.com/c/JadeDisco
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies I - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesI
Y+ Jade Docs & Movies II - https://www.youtube.com/@JadeDocsMoviesII
Twitter Jade Disco HD - https://twitter.com/JadeDiscoHD
Twitter Jade Pix, Docs & Movies - https://twitter.com/JadePixMovies
PostImages Gallery Jade - https://postimg.cc/gallery/ikhwdv9m/
Jade Pornhub Channel - https://www.pornhub.com/users/jadepornchannel
CJ: "Parfois, pour faire triompher le bien, nous devons faire le mâle!"
CJ: "Je pense tout ce que je fais/dis, et donc je fais/dis tout ce que je pense!"
Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-03 17:49:51 UTC
Post by Calamity Jade
Post by J. Nielsen
One million flies can't be wrong; Eat shit!
One can also read some graffiti in public toilets.

It's as credible as the sources you refer to.
Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-05 12:46:31 UTC
<https://tinyurl.com/ysgdjgwd> de.nachrichten.yahoo.com

Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius is increasingly flirting with
compulsory military service in Germany. That sounds crazy. But a lot
has changed .. The concept of the "professional army" doesn't seem to
be working. Too few people want to slip into the olive green uniforms.
In any case, the Bundeswehr is lacking personnel ..


In the recent weeks, American Bloomberg outlet had issued a series of
articles suggesting that the blow to the German economy is fatal so that
the role of Germany as "economic powerhouse of Europe" is over.

Then, they say the compulsory conscription will likely be brought back
in Germany. So, if Bloomberg is correct, then it means lesser economy,
lesser liberties, and lesser life comfort in overall for regular people.
And something similar is likely brewing for other west-European nations

One can suggest to great thinkers to make some thinking on whether the
support for the violent, anti-democratic coup in Kiev in 2014 was worth
such consequences.
Post by Oleg Smirnov
The key issue is that in January-February 2014 the EU politicians
supported, and even instigated, violent anti-democratic action in
the Ukraine. It boldly contradicted the declared "western values".
But, as the temptation was very great, those "western values" were
shifted aside. One can recall the dominant tone of the Atlanticist
infospace at the time, like a hungry cat smelling fish. The wisdom
that a violence tends to produce then more violence was forgotten.
The mythology on "revolution of decency" etc invented and promoted
later, changes little. Today, it is highly necessary to honestly
recognize the fact that the European support for the violent coup
in Kiev was a big mistake and in contradiction with the proclaimed
values. It does not depend on whether one likes / dislikes Russia.
Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-05 16:45:12 UTC
<https://tinyurl.com/23zy3t4m> cnn.com

We will 'tighten the noose' on Putin, vows .. Victoria Nuland

<https://tinyurl.com/ymsko6hk> apnews.com

Victoria Nuland, the third-highest ranking U.S. diplomat and
frequent target of criticism for her hawkish views on Russia .. will
leave her post this month, the State Department said ..


Some consider this prurient lady the N1 architect of the Atlanticist
policy with regard to the Ukraine, since the early 2010s. At least,
one can be sure she was among the major policy designers and makers.
Inter alia, the subject line of this regular renewable thread owes
its existence to her. Her retirement - if true - manifests indirect
admission from the Biden regime that the policy has gone bankrupt,
and certain changes are likely coming. If so, then leaders of client
states in Europe will probably get modified instructions/guidelines
from Washington soon.
Post by Oleg Smirnov
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led
to destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way
other than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent.
Repentance is the only way to sanity.
Martin Larsen
2024-03-05 17:57:39 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
<https://tinyurl.com/23zy3t4m> cnn.com
We will 'tighten the noose' on Putin, vows .. Victoria Nuland
<https://tinyurl.com/ymsko6hk> apnews.com
Victoria Nuland, the third-highest ranking U.S. diplomat and frequent
target of criticism for her hawkish views on Russia .. will
leave her post this month, the State Department said ..
Some consider this prurient lady the N1 architect of the Atlanticist
policy with regard to the Ukraine, since the early 2010s. At least, one
can be sure she was among the major policy designers and makers.
Inter alia, the subject line of this regular renewable thread owes its
existence to her. Her retirement - if true - manifests indirect
admission from the Biden regime that the policy has gone bankrupt, and
certain changes are likely coming. If so, then leaders of client
states in Europe will probably get modified instructions/guidelines from
Washington soon.
Good news for the world
Post by Oleg Smirnov
Post by Oleg Smirnov
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other
than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent. Repentance
is the only way to sanity.
Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-18 12:22:53 UTC
<https://archive.is/kxcVt> wsj.com

The U.S. defense industry has experienced a boom in orders .. Business
is coming from European allies .. Economic spinoffs .. are occurring
without the U.S. actually doing any of the fighting ..

The cutoff of Russian gas supplies sent energy prices and inflation up
sharply in Europe, while boosting European demand for U.S. liquefied
natural gas. The U.S. became the world's largest LNG exporter ..

<https://archive.is/BUYpT> telegraph.co.uk

The EU is now slipping back into recession as much of the rest of the
world steams ahead .. The gap with the United States, and China, became
more and more painfully obvious .. Catastrophic mis-management ..

<https://tinyurl.com/25sc8op2> rmx.news

Germany is running out of money and debt levels are exploding, warns
country's finance minister .. Germany is facing a debt time bomb ..
German Finance Minister Christian Lindner is warning his own government
that state finances are quickly growing out of hand, and the government
needs to change course and implement austerity measures ..

<https://tinyurl.com/2asv9xrv> euronews.com

Russia's economy is going strong .. Renewed packages of sanctions from
the EU and US were supposed to weaken the Russian economy. Instead, it
has adapted, and remains robust ..

<https://tinyurl.com/2yfrmxcr> euronews.com

Ukraine never emerged as an economic powerhouse after three decades of
faithfully following standard Western recommendations .. And yet, even
before the Russian invasion, Ukraine was one of the region's poorest
economies, trailing only Moldova .. Ukraine is plagued by a weak rule
of law and corruption .. [blah-blah-blah] ..


Atlanticist propaganda justified the violent anti-democratic 2014 coup
in Kiev by the bogus argument that the pre-coup Ukraine's government
was a tyrannical Kremlin's puppet. Then, they claim *"three decades of
faithfully following standard Western recommendations"*. They consider
their audience silly, incapable to notice the glaring contradiction.

The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and anti-
democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other
than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds and repent. Repentance is
the only way to sanity.
Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-22 17:07:07 UTC
The Kiev regime has become <https://tinyurl.com/2c6wropa> notably
more corrupt over the past year. The growing corruption in 2023 was
noticed by 61.2% of populace, that's more than twice as much as for
2022, and by 46.3% of businessmen that's almost three times higher
than in 2022, - and the areas being seen the most corrupt are police
and other law inforcement, customs office, healthcare, and what is
related to construction, land management, supply of electricity, gas
and water. Corruption increased significantly after the 2014 violent
coup, and the situation continued to worsen since then.


The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way
other than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent.
Repentance is the only way to sanity.
J. Nielsen
2024-03-22 17:43:55 UTC
Post by Oleg Smirnov
The Kiev regime has become <https://tinyurl.com/2c6wropa> notably
more corrupt over the past year. The growing corruption in 2023 was
noticed by 61.2% of populace, that's more than twice as much as for
2022, and by 46.3% of businessmen that's almost three times higher
than in 2022, - and the areas being seen the most corrupt are police
and other law inforcement, customs office, healthcare, and what is
related to construction, land management, supply of electricity, gas
and water. Corruption increased significantly after the 2014 violent
coup, and the situation continued to worsen since then.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way
other than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent.
Repentance is the only way to sanity.
Repentance, to say nothing of being able to admit own mistakes, seems to be harder for our
politicans, than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle,
2024-03-22 20:06:25 UTC
The Kiev regime has become <https://tinyurl.com/2c6wropa> notably more
corrupt over the past year. The growing corruption in 2023 was noticed
by 61.2% of populace, that's more than twice as much as for 2022, and by
46.3% of businessmen that's almost three times higher than in 2022, -
and the areas being seen the most corrupt are police
and other law inforcement, customs office, healthcare, and what is
related to construction, land management, supply of electricity, gas
and water. Corruption increased significantly after the 2014 violent
coup, and the situation continued to worsen since then.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other
than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent. Repentance is
the only way to sanity.
sans me vanter, je n'ai rien compris.
Jesper Ørsted
2024-03-22 20:31:17 UTC
The Kiev regime has become <https://tinyurl.com/2c6wropa> notably more
corrupt over the past year. The growing corruption in 2023 was noticed
by 61.2% of populace, that's more than twice as much as for 2022, and by
46.3% of businessmen that's almost three times higher than in 2022, -
and the areas being seen the most corrupt are police
and other law inforcement, customs office, healthcare, and what is
related to construction, land management, supply of electricity, gas
and water. Corruption increased significantly after the 2014 violent
coup, and the situation continued to worsen since then.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other
than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent. Repentance is
the only way to sanity.
Problemet er bare, at det ikke stemmer overens med Transparency
Internationals opgørelser, som viser, at Ukraine er blevet væsentligt
mindre korrupt, i modsætning til Rusland, der stadigt er lige korrupt.
Слава Україні! (Slava Ukraini)
Героям слава! (Heróyam sláva!)🇺🇦🚜💨

Oleg Smirnov
2024-03-22 21:04:20 UTC
Post by Jesper Ørsted
The Kiev regime has become <https://tinyurl.com/2c6wropa> notably more
corrupt over the past year. The growing corruption in 2023 was noticed
by 61.2% of populace, that's more than twice as much as for 2022, and
by 46.3% of businessmen that's almost three times higher than in 2022,
- and the areas being seen the most corrupt are police and other law
inforcement, customs office, healthcare, and what is related to
construction, land management, supply of electricity, gas and water.
Corruption increased significantly after the 2014 violent coup, and the
situation continued to worsen since then.
Problemet er bare, at det ikke stemmer overens med Transparency
Internationals opgørelser, som viser, at Ukraine er blevet væsentligt
mindre korrupt, i modsætning til Rusland, der stadigt er lige korrupt.
Follow the above link, find out about the source.
And the TI's "experts" would always follow the Atlanticist party line.
Many other Atlanticist-backed rankings also are not much credible.
J. Nielsen
2024-03-22 21:55:01 UTC
Post by Jesper Ørsted
The Kiev regime has become <https://tinyurl.com/2c6wropa> notably more
corrupt over the past year. The growing corruption in 2023 was noticed
by 61.2% of populace, that's more than twice as much as for 2022, and by
46.3% of businessmen that's almost three times higher than in 2022, -
and the areas being seen the most corrupt are police
and other law inforcement, customs office, healthcare, and what is
related to construction, land management, supply of electricity, gas
and water. Corruption increased significantly after the 2014 violent
coup, and the situation continued to worsen since then.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other
than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent. Repentance is
the only way to sanity.
Problemet er bare, at det ikke stemmer overens med Transparency
Internationals opgørelser, som viser, at Ukraine er blevet væsentligt
mindre korrupt, i modsætning til Rusland, der stadigt er lige korrupt.
Let me guess: Ukraine spent some of their ill-gotten money on a better corruption score?

Perhaps I can sell you a slightly used bridge at a special bargain price?
Helle Jensen
2024-03-22 22:45:19 UTC
Post by J. Nielsen
Post by Jesper Ørsted
The Kiev regime has become <https://tinyurl.com/2c6wropa> notably more
corrupt over the past year. The growing corruption in 2023 was noticed
by 61.2% of populace, that's more than twice as much as for 2022, and by
46.3% of businessmen that's almost three times higher than in 2022, -
and the areas being seen the most corrupt are police
and other law inforcement, customs office, healthcare, and what is
related to construction, land management, supply of electricity, gas
and water. Corruption increased significantly after the 2014 violent
coup, and the situation continued to worsen since then.
The Atlanticist-backed 2014 coup in Kiev was violent, unlawful and
anti-democratic, it raised destructive extremist forces that led to
destructive consequences. Today, the EU politicians have no way other
than to recognize their mistakes and misdeeds, and repent. Repentance is
the only way to sanity.
Problemet er bare, at det ikke stemmer overens med Transparency
Internationals opgørelser, som viser, at Ukraine er blevet væsentligt
mindre korrupt, i modsætning til Rusland, der stadigt er lige korrupt.
Let me guess: Ukraine spent some of their ill-gotten money on a better corruption score?
Lass mich raten: Wer in jungen Jahren nicht rot ist, hat kein Herz, wer im Alter rot ist,
hat kein Gehirn.
Helle Jensen